Sunday, 12 July 2015

Did u guys trust this ?? ANSWER ME !!

Hi, guys. Ketemu lagi sama gue, Leelzz. 
selang beberapa saat setelah my first post, that is in here. i"m going to write an article about an article (LOL) that i found on my Facebook, here, i give u the picture

maybe its to small to be read, i'll write it for u guys 

"Plaza Low Yat kena gegar dengan orang Melayu. Pembeli beli phone oppo, penjual chayanun menipu kata ori. Pembeli dah check sahih bukan ori dan datang elok eloknak tukar sebab dapat bukan ori. Penjual Chayanun jerit dan halau tak bagi tukar. Pembeli marah kerana sikap kurang ajar walhal pembeli cakap elok elok, akhirnya pembeli rampas phone ori dan tinggalkan yang clone. Penjual chayanun kata pembeli mencuri. Bawak balai polis tangkap pembeli. Lepas ambil kenyataan, pembeli datang balik bawak satu kaum langgar shoplot di Lowyat tu. Banyak kedai chayanun tutup dan lari. Keadaan tak terkawal orang Melayu makin ramai dan nak bantu pembeli tu.
Click like jika anda setuju dengan tindakan pembeli. Biar satu kali kena ajar."

*keep the original ( i copas it from FB :P ), actually i'm just to lazy to translate it :D 

As u can see from that article, can u trust this ?? 
for me, NOT. Why?? because there's no event date, name of the victim/s, suspect/s, witness, and something like that, summary, there's no fact on this article, except some pictures, its unexplainable.

setelah surfing beberapa saat, gue menemukan beberapa artikel terkait masalah ini, i found it on TheStar, here's the articles 

did u guys read it ?? after that, its clear that those articles can we trust more than the first one. Because its contain more facts right ?? but, well, this accident still being investigated by officer who handle this case. So, the truth isn't clear yet.

Finally, its up to u guys, gimme your answer for this accident, maybe we can think it together.

To close this article, i will say,--- hmm, gue lupa tapi ini motto nya Edogawa Conan, alias Shinichi Kudo, apa yah??, how can i forget this >,< .., pokoknya kebenaran hanya ada 1 ( if u guys know it, tell me yaa?? i want to know it back )

See yaa in next post~~

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